It's his job to protect the park and make it a happy place for visitors. Knuckles works at Carnival Island, an amusement park. The starring character in this title is Knuckles the Echidna, who first appeared in Sonic the Hedgehog 3. These were probably supposed to be used when a character bounces on them.Knuckles Chaotix is a spin-off of the Sonic the Hedgehog series of Genesis games.

The unused character can no longer fly, even though the code is still present in the ROM.Then Knuckles moves right to Espio, but you can run away from him if you run to the left of him. In the intro, they got rid of Metal Sonic from the 0111 proto, and replaced it with Robotnik repairing the Combi Capsule.The attraction picture in the World Entrance spins.You can't jump up, only in the opposite direction. Mighty's wallkick is also different from final.If you exit, the band of stars that bind the two characters together will enlarge. Also, when you enter the world selection stages, the morning version of the world selection BGM plays, regardless of the time of day.There is an empty space in the character select screen.There is a map of Newtrogic High Zone on the Sega screen.Amazing Arena does not change music once you hit the light switch.

It is possible to get a negative score.Chaos Rings are still known as Holy Rings.You can choose your player before you return to the level hub from the intro level.The power-up icons still do not display in the HUD.Pressing Start during the tutorial will make the D-Pad and buttons disappear.Knuckles and Espio still spin in the opening stage, but Espio disappears.Time Attack is different in this prototype but still unplayable.The title screen is the same as the previous build.This is the final build to have the prototype Sega screen.